Biofield Tuning™ for Clearing Ancestral Family Patterns
Pre-recorded group sessions

There are seven patterns that show up in the history of nearly every family. Each sound healing session takes on the task of healing and releasing one of the seven patterns present in your family, either now or in the past, no matter how difficult or painful your family relationships have been.
The seven patterns are:
• Abuse [Click for Recording]
• Addiction [Click for Recording]
• Violence [Click for Recording]
• Poverty [Click for Recording]
• Illness [Click for Recording]
• Abandonment [Click for Recording]
• Betrayal [Click for Recording]
When those patterns release their energy, you gain it all back. It’s like you’ve been keeping the parking brake on while you tried to accelerate all this time, and suddenly you realize you’ve released the brake. The cool thing is that it seems to resonate both into the past and into the future, healing relationships with entire family constellations.
As you experience the sessions, you will notice:
• Shifts in the way you think about your family
• Shifts in the way family members relate to you and each other
• Release and relaxation of energy in a profound, palpable way
• Healing on multiple levels
Restore your personal melody to its inspiring, supporting, energizing tune.
Every time you listen, you’ll clear a little more, and gain benefits every time. Sometimes, something comes up that you’ll think, “oh that’s not me,” and you will suddenly notice afterwards the absence of some thought pattern/roadblock from your life.
Ready to release those patterns? Choose the session you want to clear above!
Do you want to clear ALL seven patterns? Click here to get the bundle at a special price!
It works with the power of sound and the human biofield to help alleviate conditions such as pain, anxiety, insomnia, PTSD, emotional overwhelm, digestive issues, adrenal fatigue, and more.
The “Biofield” is the electromagnetic energy that surrounds and infuses the human body acting as a record of pain, stress, and trauma from gestation onward.
Biofield Tuning is a gentle and non-invasive way to help the body heal itself. Click below to join me in this powerful group healing!
*** Biofield Tuning is not advised for individuals who are extremely ill as it may create a strong healing response in the system. As the body releases tension, any toxins that have been held in constricted tissue are released which has the capacity to produce flu-like symptoms, exhaustion, waves of emotion, loose stools and in extreme cases (very rare) rashes and vomiting.
Cancer, pregnancy, and hospice/palliative care are contraindicated in Biofield Tuning. For more information about why these, please see this page, and click the Contraindications tab.