What my clients say:

Sue just so happen to be in my work place offering a free in person session with her tuning forks and it was an automatic Zen alignment that I felt instantly. I felt at peace and just there are no words just Automatic Zen Moment.

Jeniffer    Mt.View   

I purchased the 5-minute audio to help me sleep. I've been having trouble sleeping through the night for a while now. This audio worked so well the first night I couldn't believe it. I used it for the entire week with the same restful result -- falling off to sleep and awaking in the morning feeling great. I continue to get a restful night's sleep with this audio. Thank you, Sue, for creating something so simple and so effective. I'm telling all my friends about this.

Dena    San Jose, CA   

I was privileged enough to have a Biofield Tuning session with Sue. What made it extra special for me was that it was done remotely and I didn’t have to do anything apart from be quiet and receptive at the time.
Her explanation and introduction was easy to follow along and made it clear what was going to happen and how she was going to work. I love that she talks you through each step and tells you what is happening, that makes it super easy to relax and just allow things to flow and happen as they are intended to.
The energies that she cleared was something I could relate to and also noticed that the next day I signed up a brand-new client for 3 sessions in my own healing work.

Coral B.    South Africa   

A session with Sue did wonders. I certainly feel like a weight has been lifted from me. I immediately felt more relaxed and I slept like a baby for the first time in forever. I feel energized and unstoppable. Highly recommended.

Amy    Santa Rosa, CA   

When I used the Sweet Sound Of Sleep recording, I was able to have the best night sleep even though I had the worst head cold for 2 days. I slept like a baby, and it was even harder with my 4 year old son to try and get to sleep those 2 nights.

JT    Sunnyvale   

Biofield tuning has been one of the most effective and powerful, yet gentle healing modalities I have ever experienced in my life. An absolute joy. In the span of just 3 sessions my physical symptoms improved, my anxiety decreased and my life began to align and flow in the most miraculous ways. A journey of healing. Sue Wilhite is a gifted practitioner. I highly recommend Biofield Tuning.

Liz    Palo Alto   

I found myself unable to move forward. I signed on for Sue's six-week coaching sessions to blast through my resistance and gain clarity on my life. Sue uses a variety of tools, including sound healing, tapping, and good old-fashioned therapeutic insights to help clients unhook destructive thought patterns and clear emotional and mental blocks. Through targeted questions and her own intuitive answers, Sue helped me envision my ideal life, and homed in on issues that prevented me from succeeding in my creative endeavors. She didn’t dole out advice, she offered invitations. Her suggestions always resonated with me, as a subtle vibration, or a jolting “ah-ha!” moment—and over the six weeks, I had many “ah-ha!” moments. Homework assignments kept me on track between sessions, and since each session is recorded, I’m able to access them anytime I need a refresher. I can positively say, Sue Wilhite helped transform me from the Queen of Overwhelm to the Duchess of Calm. I recommend her highly to anyone who seeks to clarify their goals, understand their blocks, get unstuck, and move towards greater success.

Diane H.    Los Altos, CA   

WOW. As a healer and an intuitive solution empath myself, I constantly look for modalities that enhance/boost my personal practice of using flower essences for healing deep emotional trauma.
The Biofield Tuning sessions with Sue were mind blowing and I am officially hooked. I could feel how the energy was moving through me during the session. After the session, I felt my legs and the gravity, I felt grounded, centered and connected to earth. My insecurities from childhood surfaced up And I was able to face and release them.
On a physical level besides grounding: a dull annoying pain in right shoulder that was bugging me for 2 weeks disappeared after one session which was probably related to stored memory. My stress level went down and I was able to relax, rest and reboot. In general, I feel empowered and ready to face the world. I highly recommend this healing modality for clearing old traumas as well as getting rid of present day flare ups.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Sue!

Anna    Santa Rosa   

I was amazed by the benefits of using The Sweet Sound of Sleep! I noticed a shift in my breathing patterns the first night and woke up refreshed. When I travel I normally return home exhausted after a couple of days. On a recent extended trip I arrived home refreshed and ready to go. Thanks Sue! Your product is a game changer for me.

HL    Toledo, OH   

I met Sue at the International New Age Trade Show where she presented multiple times and also gave me a reading. I enjoyed her wisdom, supportive personality, and clear insights. She is skilled and intuitive. Her engaging presence is a delight. I highly recommend Sue especially if you are looking to gain clarity about your life.

Rebecca Austill-Clausen    Downingtown, PA   

I’ve met Sue at the East West Bookshop in Mountain View, CA. She gave me a reading and I found it insightful and meaningful. When Sue started to offer Biofield Tuning, I jumped on the opportunity and signed up for the last slot available the following day. I’m so glad I did. During the in-person Biofield Tuning session I heard and felt how Sue was detecting and removing energetic blocks and areas of noise in my biofield. Her insights into my ancestral lineage history and tendencies that are affecting my life were also extremely helpful. Right after the session I did feel a “detox” effect confirming that many energy blocks were released in my biofield and my body. I had to wait for about 30 minutes before I could drive home. But after a good night sleep I felt light, calm and energized. Another interesting result of the session was that my ‘third eye’ became active with lights and colors moving and swirling around as I close my eyes. I also experienced a flow of inspiration to start making my own jewelry from crystals and healing stones. I am a reiki master and love working with crystals, but this was a new direction with new creativity and joy of making something beautiful and healing at the same time. I now enjoy making jewelry for myself, friends and family. I even started to take orders for custom healing bracelets for other crystal lovers. Thanks to Sue, I now want to learn Biofield Tuning myself as I have personally experienced its many benefits.

Veronika    Newark   

Add your own:

(If you’re wondering what to say, try answering these three questions, in your own words:
#1: What was life like for you before meeting me and learning from my work?
#2: What was life like immediately after a session with me?
#3: What do you feel life will be like in the future, as a result of this experience?)

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